Outside the Box

Sick of the same tired old pitches?

“Latest Luxury Bali Villas?”
“What’s New on the Inca Trail?”
“Top 10 Rhubarb Smoothies?”

Here are some travel and non-travel, lifestyle, tech and general interest feature themes just waiting for your commission:

Richard Pollock / Mule MotorcyclesTriumph "Brighton" Cafe Racer with Liz Leyda

Why is motorcycling’s new wave of riders going ‘naked’?
PDF || Short link: http://rodei.me/naked_bikers


The giant Aeroscraft airship is closer to reality than you might think

Around the World by Airship
Recalls the glorious days of the Graf Zeppelin. Germany’s famous airship dominated the skies for nearly a decade, the pinnacle of luxury and aspirational travel. Thanks to new, environmentally-friendly technology, the mighty airships may well appear again in the skies above sooner rather than later. Read more. Example: “Cloud Cruising


Australia's greatest explorer. But who is he?

Australia’s Greatest Explorer
– and why is he all but forgotten? Example: “In Search of Sir Hubert


The World in a Postcard
Will the quaint ephemeral postcard survive the digital age? Example story



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